Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Morganville Vampires By Rachel Caine

I read this series a while ago and then next book is supposed to come out in September so I thought I would share with you these books. :) The Morganvile Vampire Series is about this girl named Clair Danvers. She is 16, lives in Texas and is very smart. So smart she was given early acceptance into MIT and Harvard but her parents think she is too young to be that far away from home so they sent her to a small college in Morganville. When she is there she gets on the bad side of Monica Morrel who is the mayors daughter. Monica starts to do horrible things to her and Clair decides she has got to move out of the dorms. She starts looking in the papers for a place to stay. She finds a places called the Glass House and its owned by Michel Glass, 18, and his friends Shane and Eve live there too, also 18. When she comes to see the room they decided she is too young but she is persistent until they finally give in and tell her she can stay for a while but she has to find somewhere else to stay. While she is there its not long before she finds out the dark secret none of the college students know. The town is secretly run by vampires. Vampires walk the night freely and if you aren't inside (vampires need to be invited in) you are a free snack. If you don't want to become someones midnight snack you have to pledge your loyalty to a vampire and when they want blood you have to donate to them. Also everyone else has to donate a certain number of pints a year.

I really liked the books. So far there are 5 books. There are 2 more scheduled to be released soon. :) They are pretty short so if you get one out you might want to get out the next one cause while I was reading them I would finish one and bug my mom to take me to the book store to get the others. :)

First one is called Glass Houses (i thought it was called the glass house but apparently its not.) then there is The Dead Girls Dance, Midnight Alley, Feast of Fools and Lord of Misrule (look that up on wikipedia and you get a neat little history lesson about the actual Feast of Fools). Carpe Courpus and Fade Out are the next two to come and after that there are 2 more so its going to be a very long series. :)
Its really weird how I found out about these books. Samantha actually won it at the Breaking Dawn release party at the Borders in the mall. Hahaha She didn't even want to be there! :) Any ways, I thought the series was really good. I loved it and I hope you do too!

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