Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So i caught the Swine Flu. Yuck. I am not having fun with this. I can not stop coughing! So because i am ill and i find myself without any books because I owe my library about $18 and i am not allowed to get new books till i pay the library which i havent gotten around to doing. :( So instead of reading i am going to tell you about some of the books I read this summer. The first is Wings by Aprilynne Pike.

Wings in about a girl named Laural who just moved to a new town with her parents. She has been home schooled her whole life and now having to go to a public school scares her a little bit. Laural is just a little different then the kids at her new school. She hates being inside. It makes her feel gloomy. She is a vegan because all other foods make her feel sick. Laural also looks a little different and acts a little different. She is graceful like a dancer and is slender and beautiful like a model.

When she starts her new school she makes a few friends and meets a guy she start to fall for, David. They start hanging out more and she finally starts to fit in. One day she notices she has a strange bump on her back between her shoulders. Days go by and it gets bigger. Then one day out of the bump sprouts petals! The look kinda like wings and Laural realizes she isn't human. She's a faerie!

With Davids help she starts to figure out what she is and why she is a faerie. I won't spoil the end but it was a pretty good book. I really liked reading it and i finished it in a day.

But i found out TRAGIC news. Disney has bought the rights to make it a movie and *sniff sniff* they have asked *sniff sniff* Miley Cyrus to play Laural. *throws up*. I hope that wont keep you from reading the book cause it really was pretty good. :)


  1. hmmm it sounds interesting. :)
    *ugh* miley cyrus. that will ruin it. i am going to read it before they make the movie. haha

  2. i refuse to watch the movie if cyrus is in it, but i will read the book.
