Friday, November 6, 2009

My book! It's here!

So my book has arrived! YAY! The book I won in that contest has arrived and i am pleased. I cant wait to start reading it! :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So i caught the Swine Flu. Yuck. I am not having fun with this. I can not stop coughing! So because i am ill and i find myself without any books because I owe my library about $18 and i am not allowed to get new books till i pay the library which i havent gotten around to doing. :( So instead of reading i am going to tell you about some of the books I read this summer. The first is Wings by Aprilynne Pike.

Wings in about a girl named Laural who just moved to a new town with her parents. She has been home schooled her whole life and now having to go to a public school scares her a little bit. Laural is just a little different then the kids at her new school. She hates being inside. It makes her feel gloomy. She is a vegan because all other foods make her feel sick. Laural also looks a little different and acts a little different. She is graceful like a dancer and is slender and beautiful like a model.

When she starts her new school she makes a few friends and meets a guy she start to fall for, David. They start hanging out more and she finally starts to fit in. One day she notices she has a strange bump on her back between her shoulders. Days go by and it gets bigger. Then one day out of the bump sprouts petals! The look kinda like wings and Laural realizes she isn't human. She's a faerie!

With Davids help she starts to figure out what she is and why she is a faerie. I won't spoil the end but it was a pretty good book. I really liked reading it and i finished it in a day.

But i found out TRAGIC news. Disney has bought the rights to make it a movie and *sniff sniff* they have asked *sniff sniff* Miley Cyrus to play Laural. *throws up*. I hope that wont keep you from reading the book cause it really was pretty good. :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Hahah I'm sorry but I couldn't resist putting up the New Moon Movie count down clock. Don't worry, it will be down when the movie is released but i just had to put it up. :) All those wishing to conplain may do so in the comments section below. <3

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I won! What have I won? I have won a contest! There is a website called and they have contests all the time and i entired this spacific contest wherei had to look at book covers an dchoose which cover was the best fo rth ebook and give my reasons why i did or did not like th ecover. Well i got an email today saying that i was selected as one of the lucky winners of the contest and my prize was DUH! A book!!! XD So in 2-4 weeks i will recive in the mail a paperback copy of The Book Thief!!! I'm very excited!!! I love winning contests!!! So be sure to look out for my review of The Book Thief coming in 2-4 weeks! :D

Monday, September 28, 2009

Rapture of the Deep

OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OK so i just put up a blog post a few weeks ago (OK maybe months) about a book series I love called The Adventures of Bloody Jack. Well randomly looking up my favorite book series online seeing if they are making a movie about any i just for the check of it check out the Bloody Jack website and saw that the newest book came out TODAY! * SCREAMS! * I love these books.! My second favorite series after The Hunger Games trilogy! :D So Anyway just wanted you all to know how crazy excited i am for this new book and i can't wait to read it! Maybe i can convnce my parents to take me to the book store tonight. If they do i am 99.9% sure you will be a post about it tomorrow! :D God Bless!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

A while ago i told you all about a book that i LOVED. It was The Hunger Games. Apparently no one read it or wanted to read it. This made me quite sad. Sam turned down the book flat when i handed it to her months ago. Well it pleases me to say that after i bought the book and i retold Sam what the story was about she read it and LOVED IT! Also after telling other people about the book they really wanted to read it. The Hunger Games was AMAZING! But Catching Fire has really taken this trilogy to a whole new level. I was in shock when i read this sequel. I have never read ANYTHING remotely close to this book series. I really can't tell you much about the book because if you avent read the book before this then anything i say will be a spoiler but i will tell you this, you must read The Hunger Games. It is such a powerful book. I really loved this book. I read it in just a few hours. I couldn't put it down and now that i have i want to pick it up again! Books are the best addiction ever!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Back to School BLA!

OK well we are now well into September and yes unfortunately school as well. I have only 4 classes this semester so i have much time for reading but i have a dilemma! I need books! So if anyone has any book suggestions please share them in the comments section! I really need some new books! I read a lot this summer but i have to rack my brain to remember what i read!!! In a few days i should have at least 1 new post! Well hope everyones school year is a good one! God Bless and have a good day!!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bloody Jack by L.A. Meyer

OK so I've been so busy and my computers been crappy so i haven't posted any reviews even though i have been reading but good news! My school wants our laptops back and they are sending us new ones! :D So yay! My computer wont even connect to Word anymore so I'm really happy about getting a new one. 
 OK! So in preparation for the cruise i took a week ago I wanted to read some ocean related books and i picked up one of my favorites. Bloody Jack. I found this book while in Jamestown, Virginia (old Jamestown) on vacation and in the gift shop they have a bunch of books about pirates and this one stuck out to me. I didn't know what it was about but i bought it and loved it. It's now my favorite series. 
  The book is about this girl named Mary Faber who is an orphan living in England like 25 years after the Revolution. She does not know how old she is but she guesses she is at least 12. She runs with a gang and one day when the gang leader dies she is so upset and scared about dyeing herself, she steals his clothes and dresses in them. Suddenly people think she is a boy. She sees that people treat her differently then they would if they knew she was a girl so she decides to do something she has wanted to do for a long time, leave the smelly streets of London for adventure on the High Seas. 
 She gets on a ship called the Dolphin and says she's 10 years old and that her name is Jacky and they take her on as a ships boy.  While she in on the ship she starts to fall for one of the other ships boys which is really bad for her because she is trying really hard to pretend to be a boy and that's not going to help. Lol 
  Jacky gets into a lot of trouble throughout the series. I really love the books but be warned. there are innuendos and she hang out around a bunch of sailors so expect crude humor and language.  There are 6 books so far but there are two more on the way and probably more. I rate this all 7 cupcakes!!!!!! :D 

p.s. Sorry the picture is so big! I'm on my moms Mac and I have no idea how to make the picture smaller! 

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Tales of Beedle The Barb

OK so If you have read the last Harry Potter book then the title of this post moslt likely looks familiar. If you haven't read the last Harry Potter book The Tales of Beedle The Bard are a collection of "wizard fairy tales". Supposedly these are the fairy tales wizard children grew up listing to and J.K. Rowling went and wrote all these fairly tales down so its now a real book. There are short fairy tale stories in it like The Wizard and the Hopping Pot, The Fountain of Fair Fortune, The Warlocks Hairy Heart, Babbitty Rabbity and Her Cackaling Stump and The Tale of The Tree Brothers. Now if your not a fan of Harry Potter, that's okay! You can still read these without a knowledge of the Harry Potter world and it's characters. What I love most is that each of the fairy tales has a moral that is separate from magic and most of them are how about magic can actually ruin your life. I thought the fairy tales were cute and well written and they could def become classics. My favorite was the Fountain of Fair Fortune because three witches travelled to this fountain thinking that the fountain would grant them their heart's desires but on the journey they find what they really were searching for. So in the end, magic was not needed and, you guessed it, they all lived happily ever after.

I thought it was really cute how Dumbledore would "explain" the "origins" of the story and about the wizard or witch who it was based on. It was a charming addition (don't I sound smartical) to an already lovely tale.

Even if you aren't a fan of Harry Potter, you simply must read this book! It was really, really good and I loved it. And so will you! I hope. -crosses fingers-

p.s. J.K. Rowling did all the illustrations in the book. Plus if you buy the book a certain amount of the money goes to a children's organization called Comic Relief

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Fortunes of Indigo Skye

OK and now here is my SECOND guest reviewer! All the way from...Pennsylvania, Its KATIE MACDONALD! :)

The Fortunes of Indigo Skye by Deb Caletti. From normal to millionaire... in a second. That's what happens to 17 year old Indigo Skye in this book.
She's just a normal girl who works at a comfy, small town cafe where everyone knows each other. She
has a dear family, a boyfriend who loves her, and friends at school. She's happy. But her life turns upside down when a grateful customer gives her 2.5 million dollar tip for her kindness.
Overnight, everything seems to change. Ipods, TVs, cell phones, cars; she can have almost anything she wants, right at her finger tips. But is she really happy? Will the money give her what she really wants in life?
This book isn't super deep, but it's a great pick up and read it, and it's an easy page turner. I found it on ALA's top recommended books for teens list. Aside from some language, it was an appropriate. I enjoyed it alot!
Hope you do to.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Carpe Corpus

YAY! THE NEW MORGANVILLE VAMPIRE BOOK CAME OUT EARLIER THEN I THOUGHT IT WOULD! Sorry, I'm just REALLLLLY EXCITED! Why? Cause this book is the CLIMACTIC POINT in the series! Also the Seris is now a NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER! So HA! Now you MUST read it! The NEW YORK TIMES says its worth your attention! Lol Anyways i was really excited about the book but now I'm going to go to bed. :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


YAY! I was soooooo happy that this book came out and even happier when I read it cause it was MUCH better then anticipated. Even with all the "that is so weird!" moments it was still really good!

OK this book is Max by James Patterson. It's actually book 5 in a series of books called Maximum Ride and for the most part it's pretty good. The rest is like "OH stop shoving that down our beaks!" Lol You'll see why i said beaks in a moment.

Max is a normal 14 year old girl for about ..... a page in the first chapter. Then you find out something really neat about her. Max can fly. Max is 98% human and 2% Avian. She has a pair of 13ft. wings and can fly!

The series is basically about Max and her flock: Fang, Iggy, Gasman and Angel and how they try to get away from The School (aren't we all? Lol)

I can't realy say alot about the books because I coudl really ruin them. Just be warned, theres a ton of Global Warming stuff in a few of the later books so if you really hate hearing about it well then close your eyes when your reading it. :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Northern Light

OK so I found this book A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly at Borders for $2.99! WHAT A DEAL! I've been looking for this book for a looooong time and I found it! I thought it was great! Its based on true events too!

It's a fictonal story about a girl named Mattie (Matilda) who is a watress at the Glenmore Hotel in Big Moose Lake, New York in 1906. One day while working there one of the guests, Grace Brown asks her to burn a packet of letters for her. Mattie says she will but forgets to do so. A few days later Grace Brown in pulled out of the lake. It looks like she just drowned but Mattie has a feeling their is something much more sinister behind this young women's death.

Now the chapters flip back and forth. Past to present. In the chapters about the past you learn a lot about Mattie. She loves to read and she and her friend Weaver are the only two students in their entire town who are trying to get their high school diplomas. Its such a small logging town that no one bothers to do so because the boys know they will only ever be loggers and the girls know that their place is at home. Mattie and Weaver try to break those rules and both want to go do something More then what they are told they can be. They both want to go to college. Big dreams for them seeing as Mattie is a girl and Weaver is black.

There are many morals to this book but the main moral is about using your voice through writing. I thought the writer did a great job describing a lot of thing. I would really though recommend this book to just girls unless guys don't mind reading about all the little details of a women giving birth. Yeah it was really gross so if you dont want to read that skip the chapter titled Wan. Most of the chapters dont have titles but some of them do.

But anyways like i said this is accually based on a real murder. There really was a Grace Brown and she really was murdered on Big Moose Lake and it was one of the biggest murder triels in history. You can accually get anothe rbook out that has all her love letters in it. I'm going to get tha tbook out next. :) Hope you enjoy this book!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Chosen One

OK so I found this book online and I really wanted to read it because it sound pretty good. It took the library some time to get it but i finally got it! Its called The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams.

Its about this thirteen year old girl, Kyra who has grown up her whole life in this isolated community with the people called The Chosen Ones. They were supposedly chosen by God himself to lead these lives that to them are what God has told them to do. It get to heaven a man must have 3 wives and for a women to get to heaven she must marry and have as many children as her body will allow. They don't read books besides the Bible. The women cover ever inch of skin on their bodies and do nothing but have babies. Kyra has 3 mothers and 21 brothers and sisters and 2 more are on they way.

One day her family receives a visit from The Prophet. He was chosen by God to be a leader of The Chosen Ones and if you disobey the word of the Profit that sliek disobeying a direct command from God and you are severely punished. The Prophet comes to her family and tells them that he has had a vision form God. In the vision there was a girl sitting at this mans feet. The man he says is Hyrum, Kyras 60 something year old uncle and the girl at his feet it Kyra. The Prophet says it is God will that Kyra marry her Uncle Hyrum and become his 8th wife.

Now your probably thinking that everyone in this weird cult it totally messed up and i though so too but while reading you come to realize that this is all they have ever known. They have been told that everything that is not what they believe is of Satan.

Kyra thinks this is a punishment from God because she does two things in secret that are forbidden in the community. She reads. She has a library card and gets books from a mobile library. Also she has a boyfriend. This to them is commiting adultery because they arnt married and they arnt ment for each other. But she nad Joshua are really in love. When she askes him who his other two wives would be he says he dosnt want any other wives but her. Thats saying alot cause you need 3 to get into heaven.

I wont tell you what happens because this was a nail biter. Does she end up marryign her Uncle or does she get to marry Joshua? Does she escape from the the cult? WHAT HAPPENS! iell d yout. will nto tell you. :) Read it and find yourself! :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Looking for JJ

This book took me just one night to read. I was up till 2 but it was worth it. This was really good and I didn't even get it out! Sam got it and she just picked it up off the shelf. She didn't even know what it was about. Its called Looking for JJ by Anne Cassidy.

The book is about this 16 year old girl name Alice Tully who just 6 months ago started living in Croydon in Great Britain. She has a fairly normal life. She has a job at a coffee shop, a roommate and a boyfriend who is going to the university in her city. She's enjoying a normal, simple life until the past comes back to tear everything she doesn't deserve away from her.

6 years ago the media was a buzz with a story about a 10 year old girl, Jennifer Jones who brutally murdered another 10 year old and hid the body. Now she's being released from prison. The media is still buzzing with the story. Should Jennifer Jones be allowed to live her life like a normal teenager? Should this child murderer be allowed to live? Where is Jennifer Jones?

How are Alice Tully and JJ related? What does this girl have to do with a brutal child killer? To understand Jennifer Jones you have to go back to the beginning and walk with her through the neglect, abuse and betrayals that lead to her becoming the most notorious murdering in all of Great Britain.

I really liked this book. It seems I'm really good at picking books I love. Lol Any way you have to read it! I give it 9 out of 10 cupcakes! XD
p.s. this book is so popular in Great Britain that they actually made it a theatrical Production. Weird, a play about a 10 year old who murders another 10 year old. Hmmm? Lol

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Deadly Little Secret

Once again I forgot to put a review up for a book i really liked. This one is called Deadly Little Secret by Laura Faria Stolarz. I couldn't put this book down. I was totally hooked. Now i read this book a while ago and i kinda forget a lot of what happens so this reviews going to be really short compared to my others. Lol

This book is about Camelia. Shes a normal junior in high school but last year at the end of her sophomore year she gets hit by a car in the school parking lot. When she opens her eyes seconds after the crash she is being held by a guy she has never met before. He puts her down on the curb and rides away on his motorcycle. That's it. She doesn't know his name and he doesn't go to her school. He's a mystery. All she can remember distantly about him besides his face is a scar on his arm.

Its a week or so into the Junior year and a new kids shows up at school. When Camelia sees him she is almost positive that this is the guy who saved her and when she asks him he says his name is Ben but denies saving her.(but he has a motorcycle too! *gasp*)

A rumor starts going around the school that the reason Ben transferred is because he was involved in the death of his ex girlfriend. They say that on a hike she "fell" off a cliff but everyone thinks Ben pushed her. No one hangs out with Ben but Camelia doesn't believe the rumors and wants to get to know him better.

But around the same time Ben starts going to her school Camelia starts getting photos of herself sent to the house. Photos of her walking into school, sitting in class, all candid. She starts to get a little freaked out and then she starts getting letters and even a message written on her mirror in her lipstick. She is being stalked but she doesn't know who would do that. She doesn't tel anyone but her best friends and they all think its Ben but DU DU DUMMMMMM is it?

I really really loved this book. I know i love almost all the books i read but this one was really good. I was scared silly through the whole thing but couldn't put it down! I am bringing the cup cake scale back for this on! It gets 9 out of 10 cupcakes! XD

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Compound

OK so I must be a genius! I am here to present you with another book! Yes! That's right! And this one only took me a day to read but it was really good. Its called The Compound by S.A. Boden. Its about this boy Eli who's family is living in a bunker. The bunker is called The Compound and it was built by Eli's billionaire father to escape nuclear attacks. It has every luxury possible and its stocked to last them for a long time. When Eli was 9 there was an attack and his whole family made it in except the most important people in his life, his twin brother Eddie and his grandmother. Its been 6 years and Eli's family thinks everyone on the outside is dead. There is a time lock on the compound set to open 15 years from now when its safe to return to the surface but when supplies start running low they realize maybe this wasn't as well planned out as they were told it was.

Soon Eli's father starts doing really strange things like trying to clone humans for food( i assumed that's what they wanted them for) and lieing about things. Like Eli just for the heck of it tries to log onto Internet and gets connected right outside his father office. His father said that there was no Internet, no contact, nothing. When Elis father starts asking them to participate in crazy experiments Eli knows they have to get out. Problem is, their father wont let them.

I really liked this book. It was really short and I wish it had been longer but it was still really good. The characters were really good and i loved his little sister Teresa. She was only 6 when they went in the compound and every day since she has watched Mary Poppins and has picked up an English accent. Any who I liked this one and i hope you do to and its not girly at all so yay! I picked a not romantic, not girly, not butterfly's and lollipops kind of book!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Frozen Fire!

I finished another book! Don't i seem so smart? 3 books in 1 week. Any who this book is called Frozen Fire by Tim Bowler and this was a really good book. Its a Physiological Thriller and that's why it took me so long to read. I couldn't read it at night. It wasn't scary really it was just so thrilling it kept me awake and i tossed and turned thinking about the strange boy.
The book is about this girl Dusty who is home alone on New Years Eve when she gets this disturbing phone call. Its a boy and he says he is dieing. When she asks him if he wants her to get help he says no and that he wants to die. She asks why he called her and he says he wanted to talk to someone as he died. He had taken an over dose of pills and as he talked to her he took more. She asked him how he got her number and he didn't know and when she asks where he is he won't say. So there is a strange boy on the other line, he is dieing, wont tell her where he is or what his name is and to make thing even weirder he mentions her brother, Josh.
Dusty's brother ran away 3 years ago and no one has seen him since. They don't know where he is or anything. He just left. Dusty's life has been a mess since he left. Her mother went crazy and left her and her father. Dusty gets into fights at school with random people without good reason. Her life's hasn't been the same so when the boy mentions Josh she know he must know something so she commits to finding this boy before he dies.
I wont tell you what happens after that cause it gets really interesting. The author is a genius. I was so into this book but it was slightly confusing for me but i won't tell you why. Lets just say someone isn't what they are suspected of being and no one can figure out what that someone or something is and whether that something is an important something or someone.

OK i think that was the most confusing reviews i have ever given but it was a confusing book. It took me a while to realize this book was written by an Englishmen and that it took place in England. Some of their words were confusing for me and when i got it i felt completely foolish for not getting it sooner. :)

Monday, April 20, 2009


I completely forgot I read this book. Its Need by Carrie Jones. I laughed really hard while reading this and you may find that strange if you read the first few chapters. They are tense and spooky but once you get into the story you will realize like I did that the book is almost exactly like Twilight!

The story is about Zara who has just moved from her home in Georgia (warm and sunny) to a little town in Maine (small, remote and cloudy) after her father dies. According to her mother she has been a shell and she is scared that Zara might be depressed so she sends her to live with her grandmother. When she gets off the plane she sees this strange man and then she sees him again on the drive home, and again, and a again. Just watching her. She is extremely freaked out. (sounds like someones got an Edward stalker right?)

The guy turns out to be a Pixie and he keeps calling for her. (Not on the phone.) He calls to her in this tempting luring voice but she somehow is able to resist the pull of his magic. Soon it becomes clear that not everyone in this town is entirely human. Including her. (bum bum BUM!)

Now that's all I can really tell you without spoiling the entire thing for you. I thought it was really good and despite the fact its allot like Twilight I thought it was actually better. Now this is standing on the fact that I really did like Twilight (stop hissing at me!) so the fact that I liked it a little bit more means it was really good. But yeah if you have read Twilight your gonna laugh when you read things that are similar.

p.s. Zara knows the name of almost every fear and each chapter is the name and definition of a different fear. I thought it was interesting. :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Oopsie! So its been at least a week since I have been home and I haven't talked at all about any of the books I read on vacation. Well guess what! I didnt get a chance to read much! I know! I'm a fraud as a lover of books! You should all just behead me! Hahaha But if you spare me I can tell you all about the one book I was able to read on vacation. Its called Eternal by Cynthia Leitich Smith.

Eternal is very interesting because its about a girl and her guardian angel. Now I don't really believe in guardian angels and I don't think that allot of the stuff in the book is biblicaly correct but remember its just fiction. Anyway the girls name in Miranda and Zachery is her Guardian angel. Miranda is just a normal girl trying to have a normal life but that's hard for her when her parents are divorced and she is too scared to even talk when she auditions for her school play. She thinks no one sees her and the one person who does can't be seen by her. Zachery fell in love with Miranda and knows her better then anyone else ( i thought that was kinda stalkerish) but he can never tell Miranda this because the rules of guardian angels is that only in an emergency can you show yourself but only to help. Also the rules say that if the person your guarding has reached the point when they must die you can not intervene.

Unfortunately when Miranda's card is up in a grave yard filled with blood thirsty vampires (a strange twist in the plot I thought but it actually fits) Zachery does the unthinkable, he gets in the way of death. His punishment it pretty harsh. Zachery has "fallen from grace" (seriously, that's what it said) and has been demoted to being almost human. He feels everything we do except he can't die. For a year he walks the earth and falls victim to the world. He fills his new human emptiness with alcohol and eventually he is given a chance to redeem himself. He has to save Miranda.

Now Miranda isn't home all warm in her bed. Miranda is now miles away living in Chicago and is now the Dracula's adopted daughter (Not the actual Count Dracula, the name is like a title) . The Dracula is the king of vampires and is in charge of them. Miranda is now a Vampire Princess, one of the undead and Zachery's task is to save her. Now here is an interesting twist, how can you save a minion of the Devil? Hmmmmmm?

I actually really liked this book and if the author had this could have been a really good story to promote the gospel. Alas it didn't but it does have the moral that no one is too far gone to be saved. Hope that this review made sense because believe me it was really hard to explain it. The way the book was written was confusing for me because the chapters filliped back and forth from Miranda to Zachery so even though the chapter is clearly labeled as either Zachery or Miranda you can sometimes become confused. But I think this book was really good. I'm not sure if there is going to be a sequel or not. Ever read a book where you wish there was a sequel but you know it would just ruin the series if it continued? Well thats how I felt at the end. But you may not feel that way so read it!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Vacation! A tan is all I ever wanted XD

Lol hope that stupid song is stuck in all your heads now! :) But yes, I am going on vacation but I've got a whole big stack of books I'm taking with me so even though I may not post much I will have at least one book to tell you about. I got a few from the library. I read one already, Evermore. It was kinda like Twilight but better, but I'll tell you about that one later. The books I got for vacation are The Other Side of the Island by Allegra Goodman, Set in Stone by Linda Newberry (this ones main character is a guy! I told you I would read one about a guy eventually! So there will be a short pause in the chain of girly books!) and I am Rembrandt's Daughter by Lynn Cullen (not a Vampire :( I was disappointed too). I have a few more that the library I hope I can get before I leave.
Oh and I must tell you all this because even though i was made the fool i must give her props for pulling this prank. My moms friend Donna (you know Donna (inside joke)) texted my mom tonight with this frantic message: "OMG The Presidents Plane just went down in the ocean and everyone is missing! Even the vice president! We are now in Red Alert!" We were all FREAKING OUT! I was trying to get the news on, my mom was texting her to find out what channel and Kierstin kept asking "What happened!" Sam was silently freaking out. And then the text came.....APRIL FOOLS! I was SO MAD! My heart was still freaking out 10 min. later when my dad came home! He just laughed at our gullibleness (is that a word?) to believe everything said on April Fools day.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bones of Faerie by Janni Lee Simner

I don't remember exactly when I read this but I know it was recent. I just never put up a review for it. Maybe I read it right before I started this blog?Hmmmm? Well any ways, this book is called Bones of Faerie by Janni Lee Simner and it was very captivating. I didn't think I would enjoy it and I did! It takes place in a post apocalyptic world. (hmmm, maybe I have a thing for books about the Apocalypse 'cause this is not going to be the last book I review that takes place in a post apocalyptic world. Also I feel so smart saying post apocalyptic!)

The book is about a 15 year old girl Liza (there are books on the way with male main characters I just haven't gotten around to reading them yet. I'll read them on vacation.) who is living in a world that fears the woods, the grass, the weeds, the air and even their own children because of what happened many years ago. The world we know is gone, destroyed by the faeries who came out of their realm and tried to take over ours. Both sides lost tragically and now only a few million humans remain in the world. Magic is feared above all else and it resides in almost everything. Children born with hair as silver as a faeries or show any other "faerie traits" are "given back" to the faeries meaning they are left to die. Liza's mother gives birth to a baby girl with beautiful silver hair and without a word her father takes her and leaves her on a hill to die. Liza's mother leaves in the middle of the night just a couple days later. A few weeks go by and after making a small mistake her father, who is a very abusive man beats Liza. She goes to the local healer for remedy for her pain. While she is there she sees her reflection in a mirror, she has never seen herself in a mirror before because they were all destroyed in the War. When the light catches the mirror she sees pictures of places she has never seen and realizes, she is magic. Not wanting her father to kill her she runs away.

When she finds a small town that's different from hers in the way that magic is actually encouraged and children are taught to control their magic she is confused after living in a town were magic is killed before it can kill. She finds out some things about her mother that she never knew and sets out to find her with her friend Matthew who has secrets of his own. ( I won't tell you because it would ruin the story but lets just say I has a "I did not see that coming!" moment when I found out the secret!)

This book was really really good. I was so sucked into this book. It was an amazing book to read. The characters were likable and there were a lot of "OH WoW!" moments when you find something out you wish you had seen before. :) I really suggest this book to those who like books about faeries or just books about magic. I like comparing the differences authors have in their versions of what they think faeries are. That's also why i like a million vampire books. I just love how one author makes them sparkle while another makes them pirates (there is a series called Vampirates, no joke). This was a great read. I couldn't put it down!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Morganville Vampires By Rachel Caine

I read this series a while ago and then next book is supposed to come out in September so I thought I would share with you these books. :) The Morganvile Vampire Series is about this girl named Clair Danvers. She is 16, lives in Texas and is very smart. So smart she was given early acceptance into MIT and Harvard but her parents think she is too young to be that far away from home so they sent her to a small college in Morganville. When she is there she gets on the bad side of Monica Morrel who is the mayors daughter. Monica starts to do horrible things to her and Clair decides she has got to move out of the dorms. She starts looking in the papers for a place to stay. She finds a places called the Glass House and its owned by Michel Glass, 18, and his friends Shane and Eve live there too, also 18. When she comes to see the room they decided she is too young but she is persistent until they finally give in and tell her she can stay for a while but she has to find somewhere else to stay. While she is there its not long before she finds out the dark secret none of the college students know. The town is secretly run by vampires. Vampires walk the night freely and if you aren't inside (vampires need to be invited in) you are a free snack. If you don't want to become someones midnight snack you have to pledge your loyalty to a vampire and when they want blood you have to donate to them. Also everyone else has to donate a certain number of pints a year.

I really liked the books. So far there are 5 books. There are 2 more scheduled to be released soon. :) They are pretty short so if you get one out you might want to get out the next one cause while I was reading them I would finish one and bug my mom to take me to the book store to get the others. :)

First one is called Glass Houses (i thought it was called the glass house but apparently its not.) then there is The Dead Girls Dance, Midnight Alley, Feast of Fools and Lord of Misrule (look that up on wikipedia and you get a neat little history lesson about the actual Feast of Fools). Carpe Courpus and Fade Out are the next two to come and after that there are 2 more so its going to be a very long series. :)
Its really weird how I found out about these books. Samantha actually won it at the Breaking Dawn release party at the Borders in the mall. Hahaha She didn't even want to be there! :) Any ways, I thought the series was really good. I loved it and I hope you do too!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Oh no! I'm stuck! I have no new books to read! So this is where I ask you for books! I need books! I'm about to go on vacation and I need something to read! :) So please! HELP ME! :) Below in the comment section give me some books! You don't even need to tell me about it! :) Hopefully I get some great books!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Email list!

Last night while playing around with my blog I found out that I can have an email list. If you are on the list you will get emails whenever I put up a new post. I thought that was really fun so if you want to be put on the email list just put your email in the comment box. :D

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Hunger Games

I realized while looking at my blog tonight that I had some semi-girlie books up and because I have some guys checking out this blog and you can actually get a bad head ache from reading too many girlie books I decided to put up a review of a book I read a while ago that I loved and its not girly! XD Its pretty action packed. I couldn't put it down. I read the whole thing in one night and its thick!

Any who, the book is called The Hunger Games by Suzzanne Collins and it takes place in a post-apocalyptic world. The land once known as the United States of America is now called Panem and is ruled by the Capitol. There are only 12 places you can lives called the Districts. There used to be 13 but District #13 decided they weren't happy about the way the Capitol ruled them (you wouldn't be either, everyone lives in poverty and depending on what resource is in your area that's the kind of job you do for the rest for your life) and before they could even start a revolution the Capitol wiped them out. Everyone. Just to show how powerful they were. Every year since then all 12 colonies are forced to participate in a televised event called The Hunger Games. Its like a game show but instead of a simple question and answer game kids ages 11-18 ( i think, i cant remember exactly but i think that's right) are forced to fight to the death till one is left and that kid will win wealth and protection and their family will live in comfort for the rest of there lives. Only 2 from each district are chosen, one boy, one girl and they have to kill each other and everyone else to win.

The main character is 16 year old Katniss and her 11 year old sister is the unfortunate girl randomly selected from their district to participate in The Hunger Games. Katniss doesn't give it a second thought when she goes in her sisters place. The entire rest of the book is the games. It was an amazing book. The way the writer wrote the book makes you feel every emotion. You start to get into the games yourself. Choosing your favorites to win. I couldn't put it down. I had to know if she won or not and unlike most books where you assume the main character will live till the end, in this book your not always sure. It was such a great book. You have to read it. Its now one of my favorite books.

God Bless! <3>

An XD moment

So if you look at the post below this one you will see a review for The Ultimate Teen Book Guild. Well if you look at the comment under it you will see that one of the guys who worked on that book commented! I gotta tell you, it was an XD moment. To have an author of one of the books reviewed here on a blog i started little over 2 weeks ago come on my blog and comment on a reveiw we did on his book makes me so excited! XD And I'm also excited that I now have 8 followers! Oh that makes me sound like the leader of a strange cult. e.e Creepy :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Ultimate Teen Book Guide

Alright people! This review is the first guest star review and the first guest star is Samantha Wallace! (My sister for all you weirdos). And I don't wanna hear "Oh, she's you're sister! No wonder you picked her first." Noooo, I picked her because she's my sister. So HA! So, here she is!

This book is awesome! I randomly saw it sitting on the shelf at the library and walked right by. Then I stopped. Walked backwards to it. Saw the cover and grabbed it! And believe me, it was the smartest thing I'd ever done! It is what the name of it is. It is the ULTIMATE Teen Book Guide. It has reviews of books by authors AND teens. It rates the books +12, +14 and +16 so you won't have to worry about a "Gasp! That wasn't in the review!" moment.

Also, it has a little "Next" box after each review so if you liked the book they reviewed and are interested in other books like it, they give you other book suggestions. So, even though there are only like 200 reviews, it has over 700 books listed in it!

It also has polls from teens like "Books You've Read Over and Over", "Books You'd Like Made Into A Film", or "Best Books About Other Worlds". Stuff like that.

So, here's what I suggest. GO! to your library or bookstore and either "rent" or buy this book. Believe me, you'll be happy you did. After you finish one book, you'll go back to this book for another like it. And if you liked that book, you'll go back for another. And another. And another. And another. The cycle never ends!

Also, you go can to their website. for more! :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lucky number 7!

Yes! Thank you Ben! I now have my 7th follower! WOOOHOOOOO! :D I'm very happy! More books to come! And i don't know if i formally asked but i want some reviews from you guys. So if you have any books you want to review you can email me your review. :) Make sure you remember a title for the blog, the book title (if you forget that then i doubt your read the book Lol), the author (lets give credit where credit is due) and details of the book. How did you like it? How did you hear about it? Tell me! :D I'm looking forward to reading the reviews! :D

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

OK so

OH MU GOSH! i just noticed that i start almost ever blog with "OK so" or "OK" or "so". OH MY GOSH! Do i not know any other words!?!?!?! Lol

So if i do that again feel free to stop me. hahaha God Bless and good night!

North of Beautiful

OK so I just finished another book called North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley. Its very good and i enjoyed it allot. Its about a girl named Terra Cooper who was born with a port-wine birthmark on her cheek. Her whole life people have told her one day she would be beautiful but never that she herself was beautiful. Her mother is always taking her to get laser treatments to try to lighten her birthmark. Her verbally abusive father is no help at all. He knows just what to say to make you feel small and insignificant and has made it his life's pursuit to make her feel like her face is her fault. She's an artist who lives in a shell because until one day she gets into a car accident and almost hits this Goth boy in a Starbucks parking lot. She and him start a friendship that is strange because they are so different. He's an adopted Chinese boy who once had a cleft lip so they both have something people stare at, her because of her birthmark and him because he's a Chinese boy with a Blonde white mother (remember the Chinese give up girls, not boys).

I loved this book. It was so good! I couldn't even include everything i wanted to because its got so much in it. You will love it. Just read it. Please read it! It was great :D God Bless!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Generation Dead

OK so while struggling through The Graveyard book i picked up another book. Its called Generation Dead. Its about a goth girl named Phoebe and it takes place in a world like ours except with a little difference, some teens that die come back. They are zombies but advocates for their rights call them "living impaired". Only the teens are coming back and some people think its the start of the Apocalypse. Others just think its wrong and then there are some, like Phoebe who feels like an outcast for being goth sympathises with them. The books starts getting interesting when Phoebe falls for an undead named Tommy Williams. He's a little different from the other "living impaired". He does what no undead has ever done, he goes out for the football team. Not everyone is happy about this and a tough kid on the team Pete Martinburg decides its up to him to rid the school of the zombies and their breathing friends.

I thought the book was just OK. It was mostly dialog or the characters thoughts so coming up with images in your minds a little hard. Also in the middle of chapters the characters switch. There are a ton of time skips making it frustrating. There were characters who seemed important at the beginning an then disappeared as the book went on. The author builds up events that end up being a few bits of dialog. All in all the book was just OK. There was some mild language and just a little bit of suggestive humor amongst the football players but its just apart of the characters. I'm going to make up my own rating so I'm giving this book a cupcake and a half. :) God Bless!

The Graveyard Book cont.

OK so I'm having a little trouble really getting into the Graveyard Book. I guess cause it is a children's book but when you first take a look at the size of this book you don't think it is. I didn't know it was till i got it. But I will finish it for you all. :) In the mean time enjoy the book reviews of books i have recently read. :) They are to come within the next few...hours....or days.......or weeks. Hahaha God Bless!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Creepy and somewhat interesting

So last night before bed I quickly checked the news. This is a very fascinating article I found. Now it kinda doesn't have much to do with books but I thought it was interesting. :) Once you read it I'm sure you will think I'm weird but this subject really interests me. :B Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Graveyard Book

OK so this is what I'm reading right now. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. For something labeled "Children's Book" this is really thick. Now I'm only on the first chapter and I'm not sure how good at this point but I'm guessing its going to be really good because it won the Newberry Award and that's a pretty prestigious award so kudos to the author. All i can tell you about it so far is that its got really amazing illustrations. The flow into the page and really makes it look interesting. I'll let you all know how it is when I'm done but if have read it let me know what you thought of it. I would love to get some input. God Bless!

I want you!

That's right! I want you to give me your book reviews. I'm in the middle of a book right now so I don't have anything to suggest right now but that doesn't mean you cant suggest anything! So in the comments sections post your books suggestions! Tell us about the book! Whats it about? Who wrote it? Whats the theme? What type of people would like this book? Ramble on if you want to! Just let the word out about your book! :)

My New Blog!

Books! This blog is about books! I love to suggest books to people and I thought having a blog all about it would be great! Also, I'm kind of tired of going online and getting book reviews and suggestions and reading the book's and discovering its got allot of really bad parts in it that i don't want to read. So here is a place where you and I can review books and let people know if they are appropriate or not! And heck! Its fun! :) So enjoy!