Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Looking for JJ

This book took me just one night to read. I was up till 2 but it was worth it. This was really good and I didn't even get it out! Sam got it and she just picked it up off the shelf. She didn't even know what it was about. Its called Looking for JJ by Anne Cassidy.

The book is about this 16 year old girl name Alice Tully who just 6 months ago started living in Croydon in Great Britain. She has a fairly normal life. She has a job at a coffee shop, a roommate and a boyfriend who is going to the university in her city. She's enjoying a normal, simple life until the past comes back to tear everything she doesn't deserve away from her.

6 years ago the media was a buzz with a story about a 10 year old girl, Jennifer Jones who brutally murdered another 10 year old and hid the body. Now she's being released from prison. The media is still buzzing with the story. Should Jennifer Jones be allowed to live her life like a normal teenager? Should this child murderer be allowed to live? Where is Jennifer Jones?

How are Alice Tully and JJ related? What does this girl have to do with a brutal child killer? To understand Jennifer Jones you have to go back to the beginning and walk with her through the neglect, abuse and betrayals that lead to her becoming the most notorious murdering in all of Great Britain.

I really liked this book. It seems I'm really good at picking books I love. Lol Any way you have to read it! I give it 9 out of 10 cupcakes! XD
p.s. this book is so popular in Great Britain that they actually made it a theatrical Production. Weird, a play about a 10 year old who murders another 10 year old. Hmmm? Lol


  1. I saw this on your blog and got it out at the library because it looked really good! I just got it this afternoon and I'm already half way through ;o) Thanks for the recommendation!

    { this is emily rickert ;o) }

  2. Hey Emily! Thanks for checking this blog out!:)Glad it helped you find a great book! :D
