Friday, May 22, 2009

A Northern Light

OK so I found this book A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly at Borders for $2.99! WHAT A DEAL! I've been looking for this book for a looooong time and I found it! I thought it was great! Its based on true events too!

It's a fictonal story about a girl named Mattie (Matilda) who is a watress at the Glenmore Hotel in Big Moose Lake, New York in 1906. One day while working there one of the guests, Grace Brown asks her to burn a packet of letters for her. Mattie says she will but forgets to do so. A few days later Grace Brown in pulled out of the lake. It looks like she just drowned but Mattie has a feeling their is something much more sinister behind this young women's death.

Now the chapters flip back and forth. Past to present. In the chapters about the past you learn a lot about Mattie. She loves to read and she and her friend Weaver are the only two students in their entire town who are trying to get their high school diplomas. Its such a small logging town that no one bothers to do so because the boys know they will only ever be loggers and the girls know that their place is at home. Mattie and Weaver try to break those rules and both want to go do something More then what they are told they can be. They both want to go to college. Big dreams for them seeing as Mattie is a girl and Weaver is black.

There are many morals to this book but the main moral is about using your voice through writing. I thought the writer did a great job describing a lot of thing. I would really though recommend this book to just girls unless guys don't mind reading about all the little details of a women giving birth. Yeah it was really gross so if you dont want to read that skip the chapter titled Wan. Most of the chapters dont have titles but some of them do.

But anyways like i said this is accually based on a real murder. There really was a Grace Brown and she really was murdered on Big Moose Lake and it was one of the biggest murder triels in history. You can accually get anothe rbook out that has all her love letters in it. I'm going to get tha tbook out next. :) Hope you enjoy this book!


  1. That cover looks vaguely familiar.......

  2. well you were there when i bought it. :)

  3. I'm definitely going to look for this at the library! It looks awesome!
