Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Oh no! I'm stuck! I have no new books to read! So this is where I ask you for books! I need books! I'm about to go on vacation and I need something to read! :) So please! HELP ME! :) Below in the comment section give me some books! You don't even need to tell me about it! :) Hopefully I get some great books!


  1. >.> I don't know if I should because I can't actually remember a single instance of you actually reading any of the books I've recommended all the way through. (Jk smile! ^.^)

    Git ready for a big long list!

    Beauty by Robin McKinley--retelling of Beauty and the Beast and it=awesome. I would also recommend Spindle's End, Rose Daughter, and The Outlaws of Sherwood by the same author.

    The Gawgon and the Boy by Lloyd Alexander, for a more light-hearted read. :3 Really funny book.

    Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie for one seriously awesome classic children's book. Seriously. It's awesome. Especially if you get one with good illustrations.

    The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare. Biblical, and made me cry lots at the end. Of course.

    I think that's sufficient :P

    Verification word: aduci
    Definition: a musical term of Latin origin, referring to the groaning sound a sousaphone makes when it's player trips and falls down three or more flights of stairs.

  2. Well i at least got them out at the library with the intetion to read it. LOL Thanks meggy!
