Friday, April 24, 2009

The Compound

OK so I must be a genius! I am here to present you with another book! Yes! That's right! And this one only took me a day to read but it was really good. Its called The Compound by S.A. Boden. Its about this boy Eli who's family is living in a bunker. The bunker is called The Compound and it was built by Eli's billionaire father to escape nuclear attacks. It has every luxury possible and its stocked to last them for a long time. When Eli was 9 there was an attack and his whole family made it in except the most important people in his life, his twin brother Eddie and his grandmother. Its been 6 years and Eli's family thinks everyone on the outside is dead. There is a time lock on the compound set to open 15 years from now when its safe to return to the surface but when supplies start running low they realize maybe this wasn't as well planned out as they were told it was.

Soon Eli's father starts doing really strange things like trying to clone humans for food( i assumed that's what they wanted them for) and lieing about things. Like Eli just for the heck of it tries to log onto Internet and gets connected right outside his father office. His father said that there was no Internet, no contact, nothing. When Elis father starts asking them to participate in crazy experiments Eli knows they have to get out. Problem is, their father wont let them.

I really liked this book. It was really short and I wish it had been longer but it was still really good. The characters were really good and i loved his little sister Teresa. She was only 6 when they went in the compound and every day since she has watched Mary Poppins and has picked up an English accent. Any who I liked this one and i hope you do to and its not girly at all so yay! I picked a not romantic, not girly, not butterfly's and lollipops kind of book!


  1. Ooooh, this one sounds good. I will defintely try to track it down. Assuming, of course, that my library system has it.

    Veri word: brooss. No idea what that sounds like

  2. do you order online? Try that. Then your library has to get it. :D

  3. Where's the cupcake system? How many cupcakes do these books get??? HOW ARE WE TO KNOW HOW GOOD THESE BOOKS TRULY ARE WITHOUT CUPCAKES?!?!

    Verification word: minese
    Definition: Southern slang for a hobo who comes to you for work

  4. Do you make these definitions up? Lol And i forgot about the cup cake system. Oopsie!

  5. Of course I don't make these definitions up--they're totally legit!

    Verification word: coloust
    Definition: to skydive while talking on the phone to an Indian white elephant.

  6. OHhhhhhh! OK that sounds totally lagit. *shiffty eyes* Lol

  7. So, I read this book and it was really good! But the only thoughts going through my mind (when I read it) were: I am so glad I don't have to live like that and I am so glad I don't have a dad like that! :)

  8. hahaha i know what you mean. would'nt want that at all!
